I'm a designer from New Delhi, India, who creates work that is bold, conceptual and impactful. A keen and inquisitive learner, I seek inspiration from everyday life and strive to think out of the box by bringing new and fresh perspectives to the table.
Hello there!
At Havas Media I interned for the digital creative team, where I worked on creatives for multiple brands. Most recently I interned at the Wix Playground Academy as a web designer, where I designed web assets for clients including quip and non-profit organization Winning Women Series.
I'm currently a Senior pursuing visual communication design at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Additionally I have experience in print media, photography and interactive/creative coding.
Who I am.

I received the presidential scholarship and was selected to be a member of the prestigious scholars program, on the basis of my portfolio and academic achievements at SAIC. During my sophomore year, I also made the Dean's list.

Adobe Xd
Wix Editors
Cinema 4D
After Effects